We live and breathe
And build it too
We live and breathe
And build it too
We live and breathe technology. And build it too.
That’s how we do it.
Pushing Eliminating Boundaries
You know what’s the best thing about technology? It keeps changing –
usually for the better. As a group of ardent technologists, we also
try to be limitless. So, we never bound ourselves with a certain
techstack. We experiment with every tool we can, explore every new
technology and always pick the one most-aligned with your project
One sizedoesn’tfit all.
Boundless as we are, we keep our projects also flexible.
Every project we take up is unique and is dealt with individually.
While we have certain areas of expertise, we are not limited by
them. You decide the scope of your project – include all our
services or just hire us for one. The way we engage is also on
you – we are comfortable with any engagement model.
Hourly ventures
Engage our experts on hourly basis.
Project proceedings
Offload projects entirely onto us.
BOT bonds
Let us build-operate-transfer a dev team for you.
Fragile Agile – and handled with care
We can’t just let the waters flow (pun intended!) – we work on
batch delivery model. Manoeuvring the lean startup way, we follow
the agile development cycle that allows us to develop fast and
iterate faster. We deliver in sprints of staggered delivery instead
of bulk dumps and work with a continuous feedback loop to save time,
resource and effort.
Keeping it real – and transparent
While we’re busy breaking boundaries, we also break stereotypes.
Developers are often considered to be introverts and ‘busy in their
zone’. More often than not, this make the traditional “client-vendor”
relationships very black box. We work as your extended team to build
an alliance of complete visibility, communication, and trust. You’d
always know what’s going on.
One sizedoesn’tfit all
Boundless as we are, we keep our projects also flexible.
Every project we take up is unique and is dealt with individually.
While we have certain areas of expertise, we are not limited by
them. You decide the scope of your project – include all our
services or just hire us for one. The way we engage is also on
you – we are comfortable with any engagement model.

Tell us about your project.
Wish to engage our experts in a project?
Write to us at inquiry@codeastu.com